Saturday, July 17, 2004

like yesterday

at this time four years ago, four of us (rose, irish, martha and me) decided to embark on another journey together in another japanese company.  this time, we were together in one place --- as opposed to the different sites we were thrown to in our first company.  this day, we met our other batchmates (pogs, vin, bert and reno) who would be my friends for life.
i could not express how grateful i am to have these people as my friends.  nor can i say how much they have affected the molding of the person that i am today.  a lot of times, they have been my cheering squad and my greatest advocates.  you do need those when you're battling the evils of the corporate world. :)
it's been a wonderful and interesting four-year period.  with a little bit of hardship, some drama and a whole lot of laughter and fun, it's simply unforgettable.  i am hoping that after some years down the road, we will still celebrate our "anniversary" and that time, we will have our partners and our kids in tow.
looking forward to the years ahead, mga tsong!


Bin said...

4 years and counting! :-)

d said...

hi kat! hehehe wala ka palang tag board no?
hello pala sabi ni barry. he remembers you well. ;-)

Unknown said...

prends pa rin! walang iwanan!

kat said...

rose, pede ring wala. baka naman sabihin mo, pressured ka biglang magkaanak. pero akala ko, gusto mo ng babies? :)

vin, oo nga.. four years. four --- million more to go! hehehehe! :))

pogs, that goes without saying 'no! :)

kat said...

dette, oo nga, wala pang tagboard. :) one of these days siguro (pag naalala ko) hehehe! :)

talaga, natatandaan pa ako ni barry? wow, touched naman ako. :) nung kinuwento sa akin ni rose na magkaibigan nga kayo (at yung mga "success stories" ni barry), bigla na naman akong nag-reminisce ng aking volcorps days. super labs ko ang batch nila sa usc e! :)