Wednesday, August 04, 2004


it's been getting harder and harder for my friends and i to get together since most of us moved to new companies. before, we'd just stand up from our workplaces and plan our gimik right then and there. within a few hours, we'll be playing billiards or bowling or having dinner together.

we finally got together again after a looong time. we went to soulfood in greenbelt, one of our favorite restaurants. we were just a small group but it was nice seeing old friends, nevertheless. martha announced that she was finally free of her binding contract which is always a cause for celebration. then bert said that he was finally transferred to the makati office after so many months of requesting it to a manager who's... (inappropriate words deleted here). of course, the main reason why we were there was because eden was looking into transferring companies. something which doesn't have the exhaustively long hours that she's keeping in her current one.

i wasn't particularly celebrating anything then but then again, there is always a cause for celebration. i am celebrating
  • having a good meal and an enjoyable time with old friends
  • seeing others reach their goals or at least, a step towards it
  • having a good company to work for
  • new beginnings
  • all the things that my life is blessed with

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