Wednesday, August 16, 2006

breaking up

i was surprised to see my sister online at 4 pm yesterday (that was 4 am manila time). little did i know that there was a bigger surprise waiting for me... not a good one, unfortunately. she asked me to go to her blog site and read it from there. she and her boyfriend of four years have just broken up.

truthfully, i did not have any emotional connection with her ex. i don't have any for all of my sisters' exes and current boyfriends as well. the only exception is my brother-in-law because he is now part of the family. sure, i talk to them when they're visiting or on the occasions that they join us for some family celebrations. but other than that, i've always distanced myself.

needless to say, i was sad for my sister. and it saddens me more that i am not there for her. i don't know if she needs me to be there but still, i wanted to be there just in case she did. i told her i don't have any advice to give. this is probably the one area that she has more experience than i do. although by the end of our conversation, i did give her one advice: that it's okay to be angry, it's okay to be sad. and it's okay that people around her see that.

i have no doubt that she'll eventually be okay. she just needs time to grieve, adjust and then move on. the good thing is that they've agreed to be friends. they've started as friends and they're just not willing to let their friendship go.

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