Thursday, May 13, 2004

reality bites

there was somebody who i always pictured together with me when i daydream. there, we would be holding hands or he would have his arms around me. or sometimes, i would just be resting my head on his shoulders and he would have his arms around mine. whatever picture my mind conjures up, it always exudes happiness, contentment and security. he was clearly my "what might have been" guy. the man you can envision yourself with but it just never happened.

yesterday though, all the daydreams came to an end. because yesterday, i have come to learn that i was not his "what might have been" girl. i never was. in fact, i didn't even come close. a bitter pill to swallow but the truth is like that sometimes. it was probably for the best. now, i wouldn't wonder what might have been.

it never would've happened.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

holy crappolas! I HAVE NO IDEA who this is! you sly seniorita you! magkwento ka! ^^;
