Monday, August 09, 2004

in His time

we make plans... sometimes for ourselves, sometimes concerning the people we love. for a while, everything goes as we want them to then... bam! things fall out of place. then we get lost. uncertainty comes in. sometimes, we even question God why things have to happen that way.

but in spite of all the not-so-good things that happen, we have to keep our faith. we have to believe that God has His own plans, sometimes not the same as we have. we have to believe that God's plans are better than ours. that everything happens not in our time but in His.


Anonymous said...

that is so true! just have faith in Him. If what you're asking for is for you, He'll give it to you. If He doesn't, He knows what's best for you. :)

kat said...

yup. i agree. but we also need people to remind uf of these during our trying times. so thank God for family, friends and loved ones. :)