Monday, January 09, 2006

leaving home once again

in new york airport, waiting for my flight back to cincinnati.

time flew when i was in manila. my stay home seemed to short and i felt like i did not have enough time to do everything i needed to do. i was not able to see the dentist and a dermatologist. i was not able to see my college friends. i was not able to stay long enough to see everybody off before i left myself. i knew this day would come but i somehow was not prepared for it.

the day i left, my family had lunch at las paellas in bf. we somehow knew we were going to do something together that day being my last one in manila for the time being but we didn't have any actual plans. somehow everybody was able to make it, cancelling lunch with the in-laws and postponing band practices. after lunch, we bought coffee at starbucks and had tita pilar's chocolate cake for dessert at home. it was not that big a deal except that i was leaving and suprisingly, i was sad to go. sadder than i was the first time. and i was not really sure why.

i will be gone for about six months. i wouldn't see my family, friends and relatives. we would again resort to emails and the occasional phone calls. when i get back, i won't know a lot of people in the office with the number of new people they were hiring. there might even be some friends gone. when i get back, i have missed a lot of lunches and dinners with friends and family. when i get back, my nephew and niece would probably not recognize me. when i get back, a lot of things would have happened and i was not there to share it with my loved ones.

it's always hard leaving home. somehow, this time, it's harder than usual.

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