Monday, May 15, 2006

a brief trip home

it's been a while since i last posted and a lot has happened since then. i've spent two weeks in manila, spending time with my family and some of my friends. unfortunately, i also had to work the whole time i was there. it made my trip back home seem shorter than it already was.

let's see..
  1. my family and relatives were all there to welcome me back home, something that i had hoped for but didn't really expect and so very well appreciate.
  2. i went to the office to finish up with some admin work and see my officemates.
  3. we had a surprise birthday party for tita eva.
  4. went back to the office the second time and was able to talk to my manager and more friends. i was both happy and sad when i learned that a friend will be leaving the company soon. it was a brief goodbye with the hope that we'll be seeing each other again.
  5. we had dinner at home together with our relatives and mom's friends to celebrate her birthday.
  6. i met up with some friends for dinner in makati, a get-together that i thought would not happen during this trip back home. a heartfelt thank you to rose, pogs, eden, mami bhing, neil and art for a memorable, albeit brief reunion.
  7. was able to reconnect with jing and joel, two close friends from college that i haven't talked to for the longest time. this is the reason why i love friendster!
  8. had the official celebration of mom and tita eva's birthdays in los banos.

all too soon i was on my way back to cincinnati. six months to go before i head back home... for good.

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