Sunday, January 06, 2008

yin and yang

thoughts as i was shopping yesterday, saved in my cellphone

"haaay... it's a very humbling experience. although i don't think i'm even proud to begin with. really, it's now a challenge for me to take it all in stride and not let it affect me. my goodness, i thought i was too old for this insecurity thing but i guess i was wrong."


i was watching sop this afternoon when they sang songs of the people who had performed here in manila last year --- chicago, christina aguillera, elliott yamin, taylor hicks, beyonce. kyla sang listen by beyonce and she was amazing! i don't normally blog about these things but she was really great. she was definitely at a different league than her contemporaries.

way to go, kyla!

1 comment:

rychu said...

i love Kyla! one of my favorites in the local biz