Tuesday, March 16, 2004

innocent eyes

rose and i met up at tower records before going to jo's party last saturday. while waiting for her, i browsed through the cd's in the racks, not really looking for anything in particular.

then there it was. delta goodrem's album, "innocent eyes". i had to stop myself from jumping and hollering with excitement. instead, i rushed to the cashier and bought the album immediately. mind you, this is not a usual thing for me. normally, i take a long time arguing with myself whether or not i would buy the cd. and by the time the person i am waiting for shows up, i could not decide just yet so i put off buying it and forget about it eventually.

i haven't had the time to go through each song (in other words, look up the lyrics, memorize them and sing along as i play it on my laptop). still, it has kept me company everyday from the time i bought it. i must look like an idiot bopping my head to the music or mouthing the lines from the songs while at work. i don't really care. try listening to it and you'll probably understand why.

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